St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church

December 2024 December Update

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From the Pastor:

No one likes waiting. It may be true that the anticipation can increase your final enjoyment, but the waiting is still no fun. We know this all too well as we get into the Advent season. Decorations go up, presents begin to gather under the tree, and we just want to know what is inside those beautiful wrapped packages, but we still have weeks of waiting ahead of us. And it seems as if the days take longer the closer to Christmas we get. But what a joyous day it will be when Christmas finally arrives! What a joyous day it will be when the gifts we’ve been wondering about are finally opened!

That is what our lives as Christians are like. We too are waiting, not for Christmas day and Christ’s first coming, but for His return to make all things new. We go through this life, seeing all the brokenness, all the signs that God needs to return and fix things, but Jesus’ return seems nowhere in sight. The days just get longer and harder, the world gets worse and worse. But what a joyous day it will be when Christ comes again! What a joyous day it will be when Christ gives us His gifts fully, forgiveness, life, and salvation, won for us by His death and glorious resurrection!


Men’s Restroom$1,200.00
Ladies Bakeless Sale$100.00

Holy Acts and Rites of the Church

Our sympathy to the family of Loralee ‘Lee’ Wahls who was given Christian burial on September 7, 2024. Lee was born September 20, 1929, was baptized in Pontiac on April 4, 1930. She confirmed her baptismal vows on June 12, 1949.

Our sympathy to the family of Stacie Lynn Hensley who was given Christian burial on September 16, 2024. Stacie was baptized and confirmed on February 19, 2012.

Susie Erdman has transferred her membership to Trinity Lutheran Church in Bloomington. We ask God’s blessings upon her in her new fellowship.

We welcome Elizabeth and Ed Easley who have transferred their membership from Trinity Lutheran Church in Centerbrook CT to our church. We are blessed to have them in our fellowship.


  • Rob Ambrose
  • Joe Bertsche
  • Richard Blair Jr
  • Jack Brandt
  • Ralph Butzow
  • Bill Duncan
  • Earl Ellinger
  • Barbara Graves
  • Bob Gentes
  • Braden Gutwein
  • Ethan Jeffreys
  • Julie Miller
  • Carla Nobis
  • Gary Nelson [Nancy Nylander’s brother has terminal cancer]
  • Logan Peifer
  • Penny Rhoades [friend of Kurt and Kim Rhoda]
  • Dick Rhoda
  • Charles ‘Chuck’ Schieler
  • Richard Schulz
  • Mark Shrewsbury, Jr.
  • Jessica Vick [friend of Kayla, has Lyme disease]
  • Pat Wahls

Please notify Joy if anyone could be removed from the Prayer List.

Cleaning Little Lambs’ room and quiet room:  Playing in the Little Lambs and quiet rooms is fun!  That also means, though, that germs are being shared.  I plan to clean most of the items in those rooms once a week, and even though it doesn’t take long, having a few people to help would make it faster and a little easier.  If you’re able and willing to help, I would appreciate it!  Kayla

Bake-less Bake Sale—It is time once again for the Ladies of the Church’ Bake-less Bake Sale. The Ladies sponsor a seminary student throughout the year by sending monthly checks. This year our adopted seminary is Alexander Ogden. The Ladies also provide meals for the families at a funeral and send monies for the community Thanksgiving baskets. You can place your donation in the Sunday offering marked—Ladies or give it to Judy Bertsche or mail it to Judy Bertsche, 27651 East 2700 North Road, Chenoa IL 61726.

Advent Midweek Services will be held here at St. Paul, Chenoa on December 4, 11, and 18 at 6:30 PM, with dinner before at 5:30 PM. The theme this year is “Gathering at the Manger. There is a sign up sheet in the narthex at church to help with the meals for the Advent Services.

During our midweek Advent services, we will be following the order of Evening Prayer, found in the Lutheran Service Book on pages 243-252. In order to better learn this service, we will spend the four Sundays of Advent examining the service and learning about the Christian history of evening worship. We will take a special look at Phos Hilarion [the Hymn of Light,] Psalm 141 and the Magnificat [Mary’s song from Luke 1:46-55] as we explore the way our worship reminds us that “Jesus Christ is the Light of World, the light no darkness can overcome.

I would like to put together Christmas cookie/candy boxes to be given to our shut-ins and have some available instead of the small loaves of bread one Sunday (in December). Therefore, I am asking if anyone who bakes can bring a dozen cookies and/or candy to the church kitchen on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 9 am. I would appreciate anyone who is available to help pack the boxes to be at the church at 9 am.

Please let Pam Norris know if any questions.

The Chenoa food pantry current needs are side dishes, canned soups/meats/pasta.

On December 12th at 6pm the Book Club will be meeting at the Easley’s home for dinner and a white elephant exchange. You are asked to bring a favorite book wrapped for the exchange.

The Ladies Bible study group will reconvene on January 8, 2025. We will be studying Ruth: {More Than a Love Story}. Books are available in the narthex. From the bookcover: It’s our story. On the surface, the Book of Ruth tells of tragedy and a new start. But dig a little deeper, and it can teach us how to be more faithful, how to stand firm in our principles, how to trust.
Please take one of the study books and join us on January 8. If you are not able to join us, please do this Bible study at home, as we all need to be in God’s Word whether in a group or individual study. If you have any questions, please talk with Pam Norris.

Starting December 1– January 12, a Christmas tree is in the narthex and the congregation is invited to decorate the Hat and Mitten tree with donated hats, scarves, mittens and gloves. These items will be donated to local elementary schools for students to use this winter.

Below are names of our shut-ins to whom you may wish to send a Christmas card:

Duane and Margaret Haney
#1 Fairview Drive Apt #110
Fairbury IL 61739

Carla Nobis
Goldwater Care
1225 Ewing DR
Pontiac IL 61764

Earl Ellinger
4 W Garden Ave
Pontiac IL 61764

Roland Schwanke
Box 530
Roanoke IL 61561

Dick Rhoda
605 N. 4th
Fairbury IL 61739

Available in the church office – a computer monitor and keyboard, see Joy if you are interested.

Please Note: The church has a new email address:

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